Friday, April 27, 2012

More of Our "Silly Sue" & Philly Cheese Steak on the Food Network

While we were baking, Tori had a laughing fit. I can't even remember what the topic was, but she was DELIRIOUS with laughter.

The boy in the belly at 23 weeks (March 22, 2012)


Craving Philly cheese steaks but are too far from Philly? LOL Try this recipe, but let me forewarn you that it isn't simple and it does take some time. The rewards are taste-bud pleasing and "oooh" inspiring!! My family has made this together three times, but I've never photographed it! Bobby Flay's video on the above link is helpful for amateur cooks. Very helpful.
We always tag team: I shred cheese, make the cheese sauce while hubby fries meat and cuts up veggies, etc.  It's a great recipe for family time and cooking together!

More Tori Photography

6-8 Tbsp Coconut oil (solid state)
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)
Combine equal portions of baking soda & arrowroot powder.
  1. Slowly add coconut oil and work it in with a spoon or hand blender until it maintains a firm but pliable texture. It should be about the same texture as commercial deodorant, solid but able to be applied easily. If it is too wet, add further arrowroot powder/cornstarch to thicken.
  2. You can either scoop this recipe into your old deodorant dispensers or place in a small container with lid and apply with fingers with each use. Makes about 1 cup. This recipe lasts about 3 months for two people with regular daily use.
  3. Here's my opinion on the deoderant: 
    CONS- It was messy to use (unless you have some type of mini-spatula to apply it with). It actually filled an old deoderant cartridge of mine just fine, but the application is still somewhat messy, in that the deoderant itself is melty and gets all over the cartridge itself. It doesn't last all day. I have to reapply at least once on a warm day.
    PROS-I have the assurance of natural ingredients on my skin with no concerns of cancer-producing parabens or chemicals, so I'm willing to overlook all the CONS that our society has grown used to fixing with chemical-ridden products.
    It's a matter of personal conviction, and I leave you with that.

    It has been difficult for Tori to wait for 'the last frost' before planting her flower seeds. So, a few weeks back, we couldn't resist buying a few flowers to plant.

She painted a portrait of each of us and one of Simon the Chipmunk. Can you pick out which one is Papa?
Here is her description of the portraits EVERY time we discuss it:
"That one is me. It's square with four sides. That one is you, Mom, with no eyes and no mouth. That one is Papa with a beard. And Simon has glasses on."
I suppose in my 20s, my portrait would offend me. Why did you paint me as a blob, when you clearly have drawing skills to paint a real face? And look how well you painted Papa! But, I am so in love with her art, and I have no inferior complex with my ever-loving daughter. :o)

I'll leave you with this thought:
...The parents.. saw their healthy child damaged by a diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine in April, 1992. Just hours after receiving the shot, their daughter Hannah went into seizures. Today she still suffers from residual seizure more here!

First bug catch of the season! We finally found a millipede under that mulch. She says it's not the right kind of millipede to allow to crawl on her arms. Tee hee, she is very specific about which bugs can crawl on her and which ones can't. Of course, I am particular in that regard, too. NONE can crawl on me.


And I noticed she wore her favorite white ballet flats to garden with. I suppose that the first planting of the season is worthy of dress shoes. :o)

We bought a yellow ranuncula and a few violas. On that first day, Tori was all about watering and caring for them. She even scolded me for getting water on the petals. lol

I can't stop snapping shots of my homeschooler while she paints. It is such a regular occurrence these days, and she enjoys it so thoroughly. It makes for great photographs sometimes.

Okay, did you catch my FBA post about homemade deoderant? Well, I finally made some and started using it. Later in the post, I will give you my first-hand reviews on it.

Focused like a true artist...

Tulips surprised us in the sideyard this year, since we didn't yet live here in March 2011 when they last bloomed. Tori took LOTS of photos! Here are two.

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